And that is reason enough for musing... Because as B. Cardozo said, "Method is much, technique is much...inspiration is even more."
Inspirations reflect imagination and can mean an in-spiriting, a breathing in, an inhalation of those energies, moments and influences, that animate & invigorate each of us... even in the midst of adversity or change...
Think of your own enthusiasms, the fire in your belly, and times that were for you ones of optimism and endless possibility. Inspiration can be like the coals the ancients carried with them that provided continual life for the tribe...
"Enthusiasm is the inspiration of everything great", wrote C. Bovee.
In my own journeys, such sparks came from Mentors, Mountain Elders, Guides, good friends & family, within moments of the adventure experiences themselves, and the many wilderness places I have seen, and aspire to yet see... Each style of adventure has often been an inspiration for undertaking the next...
Then there are the images, the readings, blogs, and posts, of so many others who offer unique perspectives on why we do what we do out there... Their quotes are not simple words but a language of enthusiasm and wonder that I breath in as I read, and which can illuminate as any sunrise can...
Then...when... "The well of inspiration dries up, and the muses fled", as C. Lint said, I know these sources are still there. Waiting to be visited again, especially during times of adversity, so we can recreate our passion for adventures...
These catalysts for enthusiasm may then become a means for creating and recreating our own enduring motivations, much like what I envision seeing in the face of a finder of a 'Summit Stone & An Adventure Muse'... And hoping that this may spark a few musings of their own as to what is inspiring for them...
Inspirations... A simple word, yet powerful meanings...