Lessons in musing... Musing on lessons... Just recently we booked ourselves to try out and learn a further adventure activity skill; one that is new, challenging, and also one that I am not that comfortable with... but I do need to study and practice...
Lessons are things that are about both something to be taught; more essentially 'learned'...
I believe it is essential for lessons to serve not as a rebuke, but always rather to encourage... Especially when it comes to safety and enjoyment of activities in our wild lands...
Grey Wolf said: "Elusive lessons hold the most to be learned...".
Grandfather, a Mountain Elder, also wrote about the nature of such elusiveness: "You call these elusive mountains; but I think you are the elusive one. There is more within you than you know".
From the depths of my memory; this last adventure learning experience connects to so many other times and places, initial anxieties, uncertain excitement, and the desire to ever push oneself ever just a little bit more - and also to the power of what we may learn out in those wild places; especially about ourselves. Grey Wolf said about such learning too: "That is the true gift".
This is also a re-minding for us of the 'Beginners Mind', as in the Goya bottom image above which reflects an old wandering master, who himself says with his actions, "I am still learning"; and to try and see each adventure day, every adventure experience, with new eyes and an open mind...
Do we really continually learn throughout life..? Can you really teach an old dog anything..?
After thirty years of adventuring, it would seem so... And if I can, being an adventurer of middling skills, then anyone can...
Adventures are such a potent means for new levels of learning and lessons... This new skill will be quite useful; a confidence builder too... But maybe the very essential lesson here is that, yes, each of us can indeed try out something new and adventurous wherever we are at as for age, skills, or whatever.....