"If you are willing, and if you listen very gently and carefully, you will sense that this mysterious wisdom is ready to lead you, guide you to where you need to be. It is your wilderness calling." G. May
One of my very favorite quotes, composed by a cherished Author.
'Your wilderness calling' - what an ephemeral, thoughtful musing.
There is most certainly a hidden mystery, a secrecy beyond simple perception out there within initially concealed exciting unknowns that beckon us on.
Then we begin to ask ourselves: What revelations will we each discover; what possibilities will we each uncover; what wonders will be revealed.
Our wise wilderness has always been calling, a mien, a trail, towards ourselves...
But when called will we listen, when gestured for will we see, when motioned to will we feel.
Will we allow ourselves to sense those many elusive wonderments, among such hints of enigmatic elements, all waiting so patiently, to assemble as we return to our natures.
Eventually, so intuitively, we will develop such insight and knowings, as we wander among our chosen wild places, from the wisdom shared with us on our adventures.
Then having returned, we will finally begin to devine this magic, through understanding that it is we who are now calling out in gratitude as well..... DSD