Monday, July 31, 2017

"The First Time On Outward Bound..."

"A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are for...". John Shedd
The first time this was said on Outward Bound, it struck a few as funny because while this old quote reflected on ships and the ocean, we were deep within the mountains. Yet metaphors and Outward Bound blend together like summits and the sky, so the next few times we heard this we listened with different ears...
Now, looking far back to those origins and beginnings, many of us can see as well how Outward Bound had firstly sent us forth - launched our very selves and lives upon so many amazing undertakings. We have since propelled ourselves towards mountain summits, then launched further when rappelling on our return. We've initiated treks so far, taken first steps out in wild places previously only envisioned, gone forth on the open ocean and among canyons so much farther and deeper than ever expected.
Such launchings...
So many wonderful journeys, all from those first fledgling beginnings. We adventurers are born for this kind of experience. It is elemental, primal, an inherent part of us and what we do when we wander the wild places.
Soon, I am about to 'commence once more', for long days and as many nights, starting on a course that has taken years for it to come into being. I will launch with my sea kayak out towards my farthest, most elusive coastal island yet, with new expansive intentions, towards those dreams only known upon a map until those moments. My goal is the creation of memories, that would not have been a possibility, without being sent off in those truly encouraging ways, so long ago on Outward Bound..... DSD  

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"We Are All..."

"We are all in some sense, mountaineers... and going to the wilderness is going home." J. Muir

Monday, July 24, 2017

"The Road Ahead..."

"The road ahead,
is not some predetermined path,
that I am forced to trod.
But it is a rich byway,
That I can help create...".
Craig. Lounsbrough

Saturday, July 22, 2017

"Farther Meanings..."

"At various points in our lives,
or on a quest,
and for reasons that often remain obscure,
we are driven to make decisions,
which prove with hindsight, 
to be loaded with meaning...".

Monday, July 17, 2017


"What is joy without sorrow.
What is success without failure.
What is a win without a loss.
What is health without illness.
You have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other.
This is always going to be suffering.
It's how you look at your suffering,
how you deal with it,
that will define you...".
Mark Twain

Saturday, July 08, 2017

"Begin With Your Map..."

"Who has not spread out a map on the table and felt its promise of places to go and things to do and see... Maps embody a perspective of that which is known, and a perception of that which may be worth knowing." J. Wilford
This seems such a natural time for musings during these early dawning days of a new year. To me, maps are visual metaphors for new ideas...
Maps are more than useful for finding one's direction or sorting out some kind of navigation. Yet they can also reflect a true genesis of creative ideation and imagination. This is pure fuel for our enthusiasm and motivation.
This timing and kind of effort inherently reflects new beginnings and the nature of our 'beginners mind', the ability to see things in new ways and with fresh eyes.
Such musings and map reading are all about fresh starts, about things worth wondering over, adventures to ponder about. There is so much fun to be found in the planning of climbs and scrambles to unknown summits, deep canyons to explore, kayaking routes to enjoy, hiking and biking trails to set out upon.
I have always been so intrigued by maps. And believe, as R. Schultheis said, "There are many potential maps of course; physiological, psychological, biochemical, theological, and anthropological." There can be many dimensions to maps; more so than are just apparent on a flat piece of paper.
Especially the exploring, of new places, of ourselves in those places, and of unique perceptions.
These are all means for adventuring.
I have so many maps. Those upon my wall, rolled in protective tubes, old worn folded maps, and those I enjoy discovering while paging through the endless excellent adventure guides to be found out there.
Map musings re-mind us of what memories we have created and what adventures we wish to have... DSD 

Thursday, July 06, 2017


Deng Ming-Dao mused, "When one walks in the woods or climbs mountains, there is a wonderful unity of body, mind, and spirit... One is freed to observe nature's lessons. Gnarled roots. A flight of swallows. Bladed reflections of rushing water. Just budding bare branches. Gray rock, cracked, shattered, and worn. A fallen tree. A lone cloud. The laughter of plum branches. Even a little circle of rocks beside the trail - who put them there, or did any hand arrange them, and no matter which, what are the secrets of that circle? There are a thousand meanings in every view, if only we open ourselves to see the scripture of the landscape."

Today, I hold a single rock in my hand, from such a wild place, remembering one meaning from within a thousand. 
Now, I think I will splash just a little bit of paint upon this stone, and place it somewhere appropriate and special just for you... DSD   

Saturday, July 01, 2017