Wednesday, September 03, 2008

"Spirit Island Kayaking..."

With a very early start, we were first upon the waters that day... It was so very calm, yet we were wary as it was to be a long, full kayak day to Spirit Island and return. Maligne Lake is known well for how the wind is caught and funnelled down its long shorelines and narrow waters... Just after first light, bright newly born sunbeams were reaching high as we set out with a strong cadence. The only sound was of water upon paddle; a meditative experience in such calm... Later during a short break we drifted slowly and were amazed at the picture perfect reflections of each of us in the water... 'Which was real'... I wondered... the one above, or the one below these special enspirited waters...
The pebble beaches found here and there had some prior existence of camping. Among these rocks and fire rings I placed a few Summit Stones with a gesture of reverence for these wild place surroundings... Our only fellow adventurers' we later paced and then shared a moment with were canoeists out on a multi-day trip. They were a fun couple, full of energy. We talked about the beautiful terrain, the surrounding mountains, the days to come, our shared cautions over the winds, and then parted ways. I passed them a Summit Stone and said, 'For around the campfire'...
While there were other boats out later in the day, on the tours to this place of spirit, we were gladly on our own when quietly arriving at Spirit Island... It can be a popular place and site to see. Yet our moments there were mostly about reflection, softly spoken words, both collecting and placing a few cobblestones, some journal entries, and gazing... simply gazing upon this tiny enspirited island, among majestic snow capped summits and waters from thousand year old glaciers...
On our return much later in the day, those winds began to make their presence known. We were in single kayaks; which made for hard paddling and a sustained cadence, even drafting each other somewhat. We dug in and just kept going... We tried both sides of the lake for the most sheltered water, but the nature of the long terrain and the persistence of the wind in seeking us out, meant for no breaks at all...
We were rewarded in seeing a huge moose which joined us in the water just before we landed. At the end of this very long paddle, my partner tiredly said that the day felt like a marathon of sorts; but like with that event, while very tiring, they still are such great experiences...
When resting and stretching after on shore, we reflected upon the spirits of the day, Spirit Island itself, in placing a few gifts for Finders out there, and in the stories and memories we found out there.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every labor day, me an my family go down to the river and kayak. It is a great time. There is few things more peaceful than the waves lapping on your boat.