Monday, November 30, 2009

"Greater Than......."

"Why do we believe we are greater than...
Greater than the Bear whose strength is unmatched, the Wolf who understands more than we know. Greater than the Eagle which views all from above, the Rabbit that quietly watches us pass by. Why do we believe we are greater than, when we more truly are of the same family...
They are our Brothers, our Sisters, our Elders...". GrandFather, Mountain Elder
My thanks to J. Sartore for the upper image, and J&J Dutcher for the lower image.


Anonymous said...

One of the main reasons I admire indigenous cultures is the respect they give their elders. In our modern society, we often just toss them to the side, put them in retirement homes, because they become a "hinderance" to our "advancing lives." They have so much to offer in way of wisdom and happiness.

rick beaty said...

LOVE this blog!!!!!