Monday, April 12, 2010

"Of Images And Reflections..."

There is a small mirror in this mountain hut, placed just by the door. When I return here, I have often thought about why it was placed just so; positioned in that location and in that unique way.
I wonder... was it put up by one who knew that the image we see of ourselves just before we head out on another alpine start - is a telling reflection... Of excitement and desire, of commitment and confidence, maybe of challenges and even a touch of doubt at times...
All those who have made it to this remote point before would have passed this piece of glass and silver. All would have shared in the hopes we each have of summit dreams and our aspirations of altitude out there... All those yet to come will stand there too, seeing themselves before they adventure out, registering for a moment before they depart, the images of our outer self and often of our innermost self too...
These glimpses are telling, often calling, sometimes quietly sharing of the adventurers' we hope to be in the wild places, the experiences we so desire to have, among the journeys we intentionally undertake.
Then, when we first step back into the warmth and comforts of that mountain hut, returning from a further high point, maybe another trial by rock and ice and snow... That mirror waits there still - holding within it reflections of another kind... Those of accomplishment, of a wonderful summit success, even of humbleness, of fellowship and fulfillment. A simple small mirror it is... With such powerful, lasting reflections...

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