Monday, October 25, 2010

"Moon Shadows....."

It would seem to many who wander that the night is only dark to those who don't adventure out in those shadowed hours...
Most of us know that amidst such perceived darkness is light of another kind; that which often surprises us with its presence, and its radiance. These are the reflections from our closest celestial body - our moon...
Many have continued to move along trails or over waters only under the glow of this being. Navigation under it, and by it, can be such a mysteriously powerful experience. Outside our tents on a night of the fullest moon, you can actually read or journal in the typically darkest hours. For many it is not just this light but also those shadows created and cast by it too that so hold our attention at times.
Legends say that the spirits out there come more to life, in this play of light and moving shadows, especially past midnight. Many tales have been written too, which describe the powers given over to those who are brave enough to stand out under the shining of a full moon, and who embrace the shades found within the shadows of such moonlight.
There is a so telling softness as well to such shadows and celestial light, often experienced when paddling across the moving waters, or when just beginning a journey upon the face of a mountain, and while starting out to hike slowly among the forested valleys...
Shall we now go and wander again, my Halloween Friends, out among the company of those wonderfully mysterious moon shadows...

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