Monday, November 29, 2010

"All Along The Way He Told His Stories..."

There are those of us who listen more and others who want to share much too. Most tend to enjoy both of the give and take of conversation and also the quieter connections when out there... He was one of our elder adventurers; one of the venerable ones who through time and deed and leadership, others would follow and listen closely too, often just for the many lively stories...
It was not so much an account of his own life, as it was about the shared tales of amazing experiences in the wilds. Grand narrations of high places and fast waters, with anecdotes of legend, which many of the young ones listened closely & intently to and were then embraced by these. Each new day would bring forth a new fable, and each turn of the trail a different tale. When the weather changed or the sun set, the tone and content of his stories would evolve also, into something when more than words were being spoken... The fire would be lit and the images would then begin to dance before our very eyes...
To blend such fun activities of adventure, with the sharing of so meaningful tellings, was unique and powerful. The subtle thing of this experience for many of us, was that a significant part of our own adventure journey had now become the stories being told along the trail.
These many years later I can still sense how, while the adventure experiences were great and memorable, what I now remember most are the shared stories he gave us - they have become unforgettable...
He is no longer adventuring, yet I am sure his spirit wanders still. Now during those times out when we are telling our own tales, we ensure to share his many wonderful stories too, all along the way.....
My appreciation to G. Wiltsie for the above images.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Health Issues, Injuries, Recovery, et al..."

I've received quite a few email in response to a recent post last November 15th. I am very appreciative of these. This has now also sparked some reflections over the many other such comments and questions that have been sent to me over the last years. So I thought to share some connections here today about past posts and other links regarding such health issues, injuries, adversity, and recovery we adventurers are often also challenged with.
This blog has a number of evolving key themes - those of giving back & passing forward; for inspiration & hopefulness however we each define and create this out there; about personal motivation; within understanding and overcoming adversities such as challenges in our health & injuries; regarding setbacks we all experience; and among those wonderful internal ways of pondering & musing that support getting back on the path and the trail...
It seems that, like experiencing the storms out there, it is not a matter of if, but rather of 'when' we will all take a turn in navigating through such issues. That is why I continually try to update and include the most inspiring and the best kind of sites under the 'Give Back & Pass Forward' links to the right here. These organizations and their enduring efforts & stories are amazing in what they support and accomplish in 'Adventuring For Another Reason', and in response to adversity...
If any of these areas are of interest for you, (as I get many email, comments, and questions about them) please first have a look at these sites. Then maybe try the 'Blogger Search Engine' too and the top of this blog. You can search back over all the years and seasons of my posts for something that may reflect your own key words of inquiry. If you don't find anything there either, then place a comment at the bottom of this post with your email (which I will not publish) and I will respond as best as I can.
If you are struggling today with an injury, a setback, or a longer term health issue, that complicates your dreams of adventure, please know that there are many of us within the links here that have walked similar coals...
I have shared in such struggles within my own life long health issues as well, from many injuries, to chronic challenges like Vertigo & Inner Ear Imbalances, to severe RLS, among others, and the seemingly endless physical, mental, and emotional challenges that accompany things like these... The many links here have been of great support for me in the midst of my own storms. While the issues vary, the connections and enduring spirit that each of these sites share with us are potent sources for inspiration and in ways & means of keeping going - in our own chosen directions of what we do out in the wilds, and for why we so want to return to our adventures again and again...
Any time, in any such moments, we can connect and share along the trail in this way, about such trials, then creates powerful and meaningful opportunities of spirit that carries us forward, onward, upward, and beyond.....

Monday, November 22, 2010

"When You Tune Into That..."

When you tune into 'that'... You'll hardly feel 'these'...
However 'that' resonates with you: The why you are going; the meanings within the adventure purposes for why you do what you do out there. Therein are the treasures behind the veil, and at the end of the rainbow, for all your enduring wild place wanderings...
Then 'these' will become so much more insignificant; the distractions and diversions, the inherent fatigue, the necessities of effort and discipline, any elusive objectives not met, and the adventure goals that always need refining.
Because tuning into 'that' which echoes deep inside, is a path towards becoming your enduring bliss...
Whatever those hurdles then may be on your path, will now transform into incidentals, rather than obstacles along any trail you've chosen. Those things will actually now be reformed and reshaped into more lasting enjoyments, as they are overcome on your journey towards the why and what you are truly out there for...
And when we tune into 'that' elemental essence for our adventures, then any other of 'these' kind of storms will all simply pass by.....

My appreciation for the top image above to J. Foott, and to P. Nicklen for the lower image.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Like An Avalanche....."

Like an avalanche it hit me, as hard and as unexpectedly, just as you might think it would...
We were on our way up to climb upon a mountain we know well. A familiar route, but one in the later season where attention was needed, and a heightened awareness for the objective hazards of unstable snow, inconsistent temperatures, and rockfall.
It was a simple comment, maybe said to me as both a concern and a question, but... well, like an avalanche, it took me...
Sharing time with a close friend, on a trail, and in a day up there, means so much for us wanderers. Such connections are invaluable, precious beyond description for the gifts they are. This closeness means we learn much about each other and find great depths within what we can then share...
No answer seemed required from that comment that was made to me, but I'm sure from the look on my face, it had clearly hit home. All that was needed then was in the question itself, it felt, as therein was the crux of the struggle I was having. Such moments are profound in how they connect all the pieces and the elements we seem to need, through whatever synchronicity or serendipity has just taken place... The natural world often provides such a means for these wild catalysts, for the closeness we develop and cherish, and then the meaningful commentary we are then able to compose for each other.
It has indeed been a difficult year for me, especially reflecting my health issues, and those of a family member too...
It appears to me at times, that what I muse and write about here, I need to often ponder and affirm in my own life again and again. Which is just what that question asked of me that day, put to words in that way by a trusted companion. Then like the subjective avalanche it was, it hit hard...
Now like other such events, it had passed. It was then time to talk and listen and ponder. Throughout a wonderful day up high, on a mountain with a friend, a companion, and a close climbing partner. Sharing such moments of strength and support, and not just from a rope, but from this kind of connection as well, are ways we may each navigate both the objective and subjective hazards we all wander through.
Isn't that so true my Friends.....

Monday, November 08, 2010

"A Different Kind Of Core Strength..."

The older I get, the more important the physical training becomes. For preparation, injury prevention, maintaining hard earned endurance, flexibility as well, and the simple enjoyment of what we learn our body can do at the edges of seeming limits. The fitness concept of core strength is a very useful idea. One that is essential to every adventure activity it seems - be it climbing, paddling, biking, and especially when lifting and carrying a backpack. The analogy, metaphor even, of the core for our strength I feel is very important, yet one not limited just to our physical selves.
There is more to our nature, is there not, than the physicality of muscles. Are we not more than just what we genetically have been given for a body. Are we not also gifted with so much more then that...
Do we not sense this when we are really tested out there...
Maybe, at the very core of it, we are creatures too of vision and desire, drive and determination. We are also beings of purpose and passion, of values and character. We have such powerfully potent core elements within us of personal motivation too...
All of these can be said to be distinct internal strengths from deep within our core, our very center. We each most certainly have such fundamental components within the synergy of our individual selves.
As adventurers, these elemental energies are indeed a different kind of core strength. Ones so excitingly worth pondering and then exercising as well in their many unique ways...
Time for some training.....
My thanks to D. D'Angelo for the above images.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

"The Path....."

The path... Our path... Your path...
Seemingly of only rocks and stone, of ice and snow.
Countless places, where to start.
So many steps that may be taken...
This path...
That twists and turns, through canyons and valleys,
Meandering across coastlines and islands,
Above and below tree lines,
Traversing ridges and mountains...
Such paths...
Are guarded by weather and wild furred ones,
Watched over by aged ancient trees and bright flowers,
Shaded too by cliffs and so high rock towers...
These joined paths...
Always serenaded by winds and waves,
Beautiful songs we hear,
Such echoes they make...
The path... Your path... Our path...
Setting moons upon rising suns,
Towards horizons everlasting,
Our shared trails towards ourselves...