Monday, November 08, 2010

"A Different Kind Of Core Strength..."

The older I get, the more important the physical training becomes. For preparation, injury prevention, maintaining hard earned endurance, flexibility as well, and the simple enjoyment of what we learn our body can do at the edges of seeming limits. The fitness concept of core strength is a very useful idea. One that is essential to every adventure activity it seems - be it climbing, paddling, biking, and especially when lifting and carrying a backpack. The analogy, metaphor even, of the core for our strength I feel is very important, yet one not limited just to our physical selves.
There is more to our nature, is there not, than the physicality of muscles. Are we not more than just what we genetically have been given for a body. Are we not also gifted with so much more then that...
Do we not sense this when we are really tested out there...
Maybe, at the very core of it, we are creatures too of vision and desire, drive and determination. We are also beings of purpose and passion, of values and character. We have such powerfully potent core elements within us of personal motivation too...
All of these can be said to be distinct internal strengths from deep within our core, our very center. We each most certainly have such fundamental components within the synergy of our individual selves.
As adventurers, these elemental energies are indeed a different kind of core strength. Ones so excitingly worth pondering and then exercising as well in their many unique ways...
Time for some training.....
My thanks to D. D'Angelo for the above images.

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