Sunday, September 25, 2011

"To Beach Scribe..."

Hiking on such secluded beaches, writing so many ponderings in the sand. Words about wild places we have experienced, notes for ourselves about being here, and then where we now want to journey... Stories in the sand of who it is we each want to become in those moments. All ways to beach scribe, to journal in such a wonderful way... Another means for envisioning our adventures, while gazing out upon both the waves and such sandy musings in time. Now while standing very still, and looking out over oceans of dreams and desires, seeing our scribblings once more in the sand, being caressed and moved by the winds gentle breezes. These ephemeral ponderings become hopes for our wanderings yet to come. Now we are listening more closely, to the murmurs of the waves, for they also respond to our words and their echoes. Long coastal beach hiking adventures, with sandy words that now become paths and trails, they speak aloud of the potential and promises we feel, so very deep in our hearts out there..... DSD


Barry said...

Just returned from a fascinating day at Writing-on-Stone along Milk River in Southern Alberta. It is a very special place where petroglphs and pictographs along the river canyon walls record the dreams and history of past civilizations. It is one of the finest sources of hoodoos and clay mounds in North America. Where messages in the sand may not have the same permanence, the temporary messages we share may be no less important. A moment is captured. A memory is created.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to both the musings and the images about your adventure there Barry.