Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Wolf Running....."

"If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? Answering that question creates a powerful personal metaphor." Grey Wolf
It was to have been a simple run out upon an even simpler trail... A short distance over rocks and roots, by water, and in concert with the wind... Some time would be needed to get the rust off these old knees yet again, and I know that such movement out there works well for me. When starting off I began to tune out the troublesome noises, both external and internal, to be left behind and to focus now instead upon the more subtle wild place sounds waiting to be discovered out there... Quiet sounds, that may only be heard with a very relaxed attention, especially above ones' laboured uphill breathing.
Just a long slow loop was the plan; but after the sensations of soreness and slowness eased back from my mind, I became a bit more aware of something else also gently taking place... Another level to this moment was opening up. The quote above took shape in my mind... Then along with the cadence of my breathing and the movement needed to run trails, these words then evolved into a mantra as I allowed myself to become lost in their meaning and the sensations of the wild surroundings about me too...
And then...
It almost felt as if my ears drew back some, my nostrils flared a bit, and the pupils of my eyes surely dilated more... Then I wondered or just imagined... Did I so much stumble, or simply drop onto all fours at some point. I began to feel, to sense, to understand what real running was truly about. Like the natural way a wolf moves along with such quiet speed and grace. There was nothing else to think about; only the trail, only the movement. I saw so much more then should have been seen. I sensed that which only a being of the forest would. I moved with an ease only my cells could remember. I was at that moment... A wolf running...
I glanced with new eyes to the left as I passed a mountain lake. A brief reflection in the still waters was of an image of something moving very near to the ground, with eyes so dark, with fur so grey and sleek.
I looked to the right and there moving through the trees were others of my kind. Running so silently... Moving so beautifully... Each of us following along with the others as it was always meant to be...
It went on forever, yet only brief moments had passed... This running as a wolf... Moving as we all know we can... Being part of our past and our future...
Then I saw the trailhead, slowed and then more slowly felt as if I stood; or imagined that the actual standing and that style of movement was feeling somewhat foreign than what was experienced moments before.
I slowed, then rested, with hands upon my hips, breathing more calmly now but deeply, so deeply... I looked back, trying to grasp and understand what just had been shared with me. It was then I heard that long, haunting, meaningful howl way, way back in the forest..... DSD

The image above of 'Wolves In Clouds' is by David Terrell, and is titled "Song Of Running White Wolf". Thank you David for the inspiration!

Monday, July 27, 2009

"To Be A Yosemite Explorer..."

Our last special visit to Yosemite is some time back now, and I recall how we spent hours and hours ahead of time searching and reading and enjoying everything we could find about the High Sierra's there. It was then that we discovered Yosemite Explorer...
Tom Lambert is the creator of this great site and together with Theresa Ho they are the spirits behind it. Tom is by profession an Historian and Editor, and Theresa's specialty is in Neuroscience. Their love for hiking, climbing, and skiing adventures have clearly endeared Yosemite to them. Now they share their wonderful experiences not only on this site, but also through teaching outdoor skills to others.
It seems that they have both been bitten by the 'explorer bug' for the hidden treasures to be found out there...
The many sections on Yosemite Explorer include those on hiking trails, rock climbs, ski tours, wild flowers, as well as many terrific photo's, and other news about this wonderful area.
In our communications, Tom & Theresa have shared their deep enthusiasm and spirit for the special place that Yosemite is... I appreciate how this site reflects the commitment they have for both these Sierra Highlands, and the many of us who have wandered there.
I especially like their, "We are all visitors here...", sentiments and the personal ethics that accompany this.
So, journey on over, and have fun exploring with Tom & Theresa!

The top award winning image above is Jeffrey Murray's and may be found at:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Two Climbers Humble Story....."

In early Fall, a few seasons back, on another solo traverse of Mt Edith's three summits, I was on my way out late in the day... It was then I was to enjoy a unique experience when meeting two other mountaineers. They seemed very tired, yet very content. They were moving quite slowly and also in a quiet manner...
We were to share the next few hours on the trail together; talking when it felt right; passing snacks back and forth; each of us reflecting upon our own adventure experiences just passed. I sensed that theirs had been a much greater challenge than mine that summit day... They stopped and looked back on occasion; I believe it was to catch the last glimpses of the mountain which had just tested them. Finally, I asked, "Was it Mt Louis...", and then they just smiled...
Great big, full, meaningful, tired smiles that told the rest of their story as few words can...
"I know...", I said, as I had touched the stone of Mt Louis some years ago... and I did 'know' as Louis is a distinct wild place, so memorable for any adventurer who has chosen to embrace the rock there... They shared a bit more about the route taken, the exposure, that so small summit, and the challenging descent. What they mused more about though was what I leaned forward to more closely listen to... Their day had started with the energy and ego and confidence we all display at times out there - things that can carry us forward and through the trials, yet can also be occasionally, paradoxically limiting at the same time...
Their day had ended on a different height... While clearly enjoying their accomplishment, the tone of their voices changed and the substance of their words did too, as they shared further... There was no pretense at all, only a more modest account that mirrored an experience of being humbled... A part of them had moved past any ego or bravado, now too there was a deeper respect for the mountain, for the ones who first bravely ascended that route; also a shared feeling of companionship with all others who have gone up that so distinctly vertical rock face...
There is a secret strength to be found in being humbled in our adventures...
When paired with our success and the confidence our elusive wild place objectives allow us to create, such earned humbleness gives us clearer perspectives; even allows more connectedness, and like certain precious metals, we go through a higher level of tempering...
What remains is significantly more enduring.
These two quiet climbers had indeed attained their adventure summit that day, yet what they found out there had impacted them more deeply and was worth so much more.....
My appreciation to Dow Williams for the above images:

Monday, July 20, 2009

"My Thanks To You....."

"Two simple words, so many meanings. Two simply powerful words. Thank you."
GrandFather, Mountain Elder
Such a full wondrous year of adventures for us all... Yet at this moment I am not musing so much about how far or pondering how high I have come... At this moment I am reflecting this season more about saying aloud my appreciation and thankyou's...
I find that by doing this it anchors me at this point in the journey, as it would anchor us upon any climb, as this does when out in a canoe or kayak, and as is always the case in our tent when out wandering with the winds.
This day I want to anchor this point on our shared journey by saying thank you...
A very appreciative thank you to Google & for providing this amazing forum for our connections here...
A sincere thank you to the many Finders whose comments have been shared here and by email along with all their excitement and enthusiasms...
A very special thank you as well to those who have joined with me these last seasons in the simple karma of passing forward a few Summit Stones, while becoming a part of the fun in doing so, and in the creation of awareness and smiles for others out there...
My gratitude to you all as we pause at this waypoint, for sharing in these adventures of wandering, placings, musings, and writings here and out within our wild places...
Thank you so much.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

"The Beat of The Thunder Drums..."

Walking quietly by the waters we stopped and stood still, very still...
The air seemed heavy, calmer even than the crystal clear waters before us, yet it felt so close upon my skin... He looked up, then around in each direction, and in his quiet voice GrandFather said softly... "Do you hear them now. They call to us once again... They beat with our hearts, they beat with the flow of our blood, they beat as do our steps on this earth. It is the beat of the thunder drums".
We then walked further and more time was to pass before I then indeed began to hear them. Many seasons would pass too before I began to understand them...

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Outward Bound Symbolism..."

"Yes, there are sacred things. A pine cone, a feather, bones, a herb - or even one of your stones. All are sacred because of the deep meaning given to them. Sacred things help you focus; yet consider where their real source of power is." Grey Wolf
On the final day... during some tired, quiet, yet very happy moments... I don't remember exactly what our Head Outward Bound Instructor said, but it went something like this: "I won't be presenting these Outward Bound Pins to any of you. They are not mine to give. Each one was earned by their bearer. They are just waiting in this box to be chosen".
For many of us who were more used to the usual practice of being awarded and handed any kind of parchments or trophy; this gave us real pause... These seemingly simple words and the significance of their intentions was just one of many potent experiences within Outward Bound and the adventure symbolism out there. In choosing our own pin the emphasis was on creating our own meaning. Then while sharing why we made that choice and how we came to be at that point, we took more personal responsibility for affirming our role in that journey...
Over the years I have time and again, season over season, found meaningful examples of the importance of such symbolism in our adventures and for our life journeys. The pin I selected looked a little rough around the edges, like it had already been worn, as if someone might have put it back after some other distant experiences... That is a symbolism I carry forward to this day in my wanderings with these Summit Stones. The gathering of these small rocks from many wild places started as one thing and has become, has evolved, to something very different. These little cobbles, these tiny painted stones hopefully reflect such spirits and meaningfulness of symbolism as that small piece of metal has for so many...
Then as to your adventure emblems my Friends, what symbolism, what totems have you discovered and created for your self from out there... What images have been branded within your mind... What beautiful realizations are there to be found within the potency, importance, and power of your adventure symbols and the emotions they bring forth for you...
Such symbolism is indeed sacred.....

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

"Desert Canyon Kayaking..."

During a past return in an early season to the desert we adventure kayaked through a mysterious canyon... There were deep side canyons there too, as dark as the river that runs by, which wind away like the many branches of a very old tree...
It is my impression that not many kayak these sections of this desert river, as we saw no others and few tracks or traces of those gone before... Only a number of old camp rock fire rings, blackened by the flames, and washed by the sparse winter rains...
This is a place of solitude, of sun, of secluded beaches, and overhanging desert foliage. It is a place of reflection from the waters and reflections within the mind... as one paddles, and drifts, and gazes upon the landscape. Places where the water and the land mix are always special; there is a nexus of the elements there, one where we more easily become a part of the mystery...
Rock formations by desert rivers have their own special nature too. Many are too old to count the seasons they have seen. Each is so very unique and I often trace my hand over them the way a close family member or friend may gently touch your face... The passage of time means little here; my few moments only so brief among the millenia...
The sun was so hot; the waters so cold. I enjoyed listening to the creaking of the kayak, the sounds of the paddle dipping in and out of the sun speckled waters. There was a broken paddle washed up on one shore... What a story it must have to tell. It was sun washed wood and a very old style. Maybe it was broken during a past time of fast water and furious challenges...
The reflection of myself in the kayak upon the water gave me pause to be grateful for that day, the canyons created here, and the adventures we are allowed there too. The shimmering heat across the water and rock, when looked at just so... could have been the movement of desert spirits on their own journey... They were likely watching the placing of a few simple gifts of Summit Stones by those fire rings and where some established trails met the river waters.
Such desert entities, such canyon spirits, would understand my intentions... Being there, they would already know the importance of such messages...