Thursday, April 22, 2010

"The Quietest Voices Calling..."

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
I. Kant
There are very few of us adventurers who have not had desires and dreams about, and then actual experiences in sharing the wild places with, our family of wild ones out there. Our experiences become so very special when this happens, when we see them, especially when we share a moment among them, and so we hope though while elusive that this will happen again and again for us... Most of us cherish these moments almost as none other, they are so unique, so touching. Then we also often want to reflect upon our own lives through totems and symbols of what these special creatures of the earth represent to each of us...
I have forever longed for such connection with the wild ones, the quiet ones, and have been so grateful when it occurs. We admire their courage, their tenacity & endurance, their strength, their energy, the very spirit with which they live their lives out there. Without asking for anything in return they share with us their wisdom, and the mystery & memories of ageless wonders... Yet we also know, as ones who wander out there, the risks they too face. We have seen the realities and the impacts of changes and clashes of territory, species, and cultures. We feel it deeply when their hurt voices are raised. The truth of it is, even with their wild ways and powers we may envy, that they are really the most vulnerable ones, these quiet ones who call to us...
Within their callings they point us towards ways of fulfilling our own longings. We adventure as we can, they must venture always... We wander wild places to enhance our lives, they journey wild places because it is their lives... We are an integral part within both of each others history and future. They are our most precious ones. They are an essential part of our family, can be our teachers, our guides, our healers. They are the most vulnerable ones. They need us, yet we need them just as much, do we not my friends...
What would the wild places be without our family of wild ones? We often hear their voices when they call in the dark, when dawn begins, and they can be heard too as we stop and listen and still ourselves when we wander out there. They are the quietest voices, strong but often scared voices, they call as much to us as they do to each other to listen, to hear, to know, to feel...
Strong as they are they are vulnerable too. We know of such vulnerabilities, as we have touched it through our human frailties and with the risks we experience as we adventure. We are as vulnerable as well for in losing these quiet ones, in not hearing their voices, in not taking those paths that might mean some extra efforts on our part - will most certainly result in the loss of experiences shared with them and horizons only dreamed of...
We can do this, we who wander and adventure. We have strengths that can be theirs, and these quiet ones will then in turn share their wisdom with us, which may a saving grace for all...
On this 40th anniversary of a Day for the Earth, please listen with me for a while as the quietest voices are calling... They are calling for us. They are quiet voices reaching out to each of us. Let us each respond, in our own way, even in some small way, and then go out there again, to see them, to embrace them, because we really are on one and the same path.....


Anonymous said...

Beautiful DSD.
Wonderful sentiments and meanings.
I have a tear in my eye now too.

Robert said...

I am always listening for these callings D.
I will always be there for them too.

Linda said...

What a caring person you are.
I hope to meet you hiking one day and give you the hug you deserve.

Amanda said...

They are the most special reason we go. They are the very reason we give.
Very nice post DSD.

Pat said...

Much truth in what you write. They are the most vulnerable ones.

Sandy said...

If we really listen then we know they are there. What would it be like if they were no longer there. How sad that would be. How we would miss them.

carle said...

they are the very reason I also adventure for another reason as you write about. They are the most vulnerable one's.

MG said...

I cannot tell you D what this has meant for me and my life. Having my 'wild companions' as you write in my life has meant so much. It has been so hard to lose one, then another, but I would do it all over again and then even do it again too. Thank you so much for your e-mail and your very kind words.

Jacob said...

When we found our Summit Stone on Chalk Island we were inspired. Then your ideas got me thinking which is probably what you were hoping for. This is my most liked post on your blog DSD. Not only do I admire your work but I am inspired now to pass a little forward myself.
Keep up your gracious work DSD.

Johan said...

Incredibly inspirational were the feelings I had when my Summit Stone was found in the cairn up on the Tower of Babel.
I am taken by how you support your giving back contacts.
I am taken by your support for wild animals.
You get us all thinking.
I love the mixing in too!

Anonymous said...

They surely cannot speak for themselves so we carry a responsibility to do exactly that.
Very thoughtful written article.

Trailmix said...

I hope we eventually realize how important it is to see how connected we all are.
Companion animals and wild animals all teach us this.
Thanks for your continuing efforts and support and especially my Summit Stone D.

Levy said...

Terrific post DSD.
Finding their tracks is so much fun, and finding my summitstone was great!
7 Day Hike - Colorado