Sunday, June 09, 2013

"Surrounded By Memories And Reminders..."

Oh, to be encompassed so. To have such memories and reminders all around. Present on all sides of us...
We often have such intense adventure life experiences when we wander. Like when we hike a very favorite trail, passing through both the familiar terrain, and then long years of experiences upon it as well.
We sense how being encircled in such a way, when out among the wild places, is being endlessly gifted with so much.
To be so surrounded by memories and and reminders.
What wonderful forever moments they are...
That day, when upon a summit, as I mused and scribbled these few words, I looked out upon many mountain memories, and even more river and valley reminders.
It also made me think about our den back at home too, seemingly a bit messy at times, with many old guide books, stacks of faded pictures, a lot of little journals & composings, and stones too many to count.
To be so specially surrounded by memories and reminders...
Then, when, we set out again as we always do my Dear Friends, after putting on our worn boots & pack, or readying to launch our scraped up elder kayak, the smiles just come. For the sum total of all of what we have shared in is right there once again, all around embracing us.
Yet, what I think is a key part of this wonderous mystery too, is that in being surrounded by such amazing memories and reminders, after clearly, intensely feeling again what was known before - than we are further inspired as well to envision what is yet to be..... DSD

Dedicated this adventure day to those who are Adventuring For Another Reason in support of the many who have lost such cherished memories:
Ascent For Alzheimers
Memories Are Everything


Jeff said...

D, I always enjoy my visits to your site.

I look to the technical sites, with their trail data and maps, as guides to prepare me for what I'm about to do.

But I come to your site for the personal passion you express in your writing, that reminds me why I do what I'm about to do.

Thank you for adding the spice to my outdoor experiences.

Unknown said...

Welcome back Jeff,
Always wonderful to have a friend visit! We certainly share in those meanings, for journeying to understand why we do what we do when out wandering the wild places, then bringing such memories back home again to the rest of our lives...
Looking forward to catching up and hearing about the smiles from out there.