When I ponder new beginnings, I also muse over 'embers'...
An 'Ember' is a seabird, well known for its' stamina and long voyages across amazingly distant wild places.
A time to 'ember' is a time for meditation; a time set aside for establishing perspectives.
The 'embers' found within our wild place campfires hold the hopeful potential too for new flame, warmth, and sustenance. There are always live coals still out there and within us adventurers as well. The glimmer of such 'embers' wait for us to rediscover them.
This energy, this source, is a powerful metaphor and can be one of the deepest wellsprings for our feelings of hope - perceptions that say we can trust in our futures, that give cause to possibilities not yet seen.
Adventurers are very familiar with adversity, with the unknown, and thus sense the importance of embering...
Such 'embers' are more cheerful expectations, that we will indeed be inspired once again, that we can believe that moments of trial will certainly pass, that regardless of any such storms, we will most certainly persevere.
These are the many promises to be found within the 'embers of hope' my friends.
We are all adventurers in such times as we share in, when embracing this early year.
The new fire that will assuredly take flame from such embers allows us to see beyond any kind of darkness.
The new horizons we will then see more clearly have always been there; they are just sometimes hidden from us.
All waiting for us, to find and fuel the embers of our shared hopefulness, and our adventure spirit..... DSD