Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Something Very Cleansing About Sweat..."

"Do you know a cure for me?
Why Yes, he said, I know a cure for everything.
Salt water.
Salt water I asked him.
Yes, he said, in one form or another,
sweat, tears, or the salt sea...".
Isak Dinesen

An intriguing old Outward Bound saying, this musing, about there being just 'something very cleansing about sweat'...
A high level of effort, focus, and concentration are almost always required when we adventure so. This process though, is not just about attaining goals out there, yet also more mysteriously about the transmutation of energy too.
When we are working it out high on a mountain, or far away upon an open ocean, we are more than simply moving. We are tempering our very selves, and essentially distilling our dreams as well.
In those deep dry desert canyons, we discover ways and means for purifying while canyoneering. For letting go, and moving past, any other kind of fevered distractions.
On a fifty degree slope, then getting ourselves through the crux of a climb, we are curing ourselves. pushing our bodies, mind, and spirit beyond what we had ever before thought possible.
After endless days out on our longest hike, we labour, toil, and then revel in the moisture emitting from our honed bodies and brow.
Anyone who has peeled off their neoprene after hours out riding extreme winds and waves, knows exactly what I mean too.
What amazing paradox's these adventure experiences at first seem...
One of the byproducts of our adventure rituals is sweat. 
And there is something very cleansing, even extremely healing, about this product of perseverance.
We move so and remove unneeded issues. We push so and eliminate that which is not necessary. Then we discover freedom among all these elements of effort...
Such cleansing endurance is a potent passage, a means of discovering so much more within than we ever first realized.
We may not be as clean by any means as in the beginnings of our journeys, but that simply doesn't matter. We've distilled ourselves down to the important things - the truly necessary basics, of vision and dreams, fulfilled by muscle, bone, and tendon.
We have also exercised our intentions which induces real meaning, resulting in motivation and musings of significance.
There is just something pure, very cleansing, even gently healing, within such reflections upon our earned adventurous sweat..... DSD

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