It was a special stone among many unique cobblestones... Discovered and gathered from one of the most remote islands I had ever paddled to. It had weathered the eons through storms and tides, wind and rains, and was polished so perfectly from dancing forever among others of its kind out there. It now held a coastal image upon it, one that reflected night and day, rocks and mountains, beaches and forests, and a rainbow of more colors than is usually seen. It was coated to protect it and now rested within its 'Adventure Muse' waiting quietly for the anticipated journey we were both on. I had selected this wild place objective for reasons of fun, for solitude, to challenge skills recently learned, and to place this small gift in an appropriate established cairn.
The challenges were more than expected, both of difficulty and time - but now here I was, finally resting beside the cairn; slowly and respectfully opening the register... I so enjoy sharing in others' past journal notes enclosed there, and the small gifts they often too may have left.
But when it was the moment to place this Summit Stone, I decided to view it one more time before wishing it well on its way. To my total surprise what was now in the 'Muse' was not one, but amazingly two, distinct and perfectly separated pieces of stone.
This painted cobble had split itself along a seam that ran throughout the rock. There were no loose shards and the pieces fit just right when placed back together. The coating had also protected all of the painted images there. How and when and why this had happened I enjoy pondering ever even today. Yet I still placed it up there because it seemed the fitting the to do. The rainbow on it ended at the inner open edge now, as if there must be something golden hidden inside of it. If you looked very closely at what was now revealed, there was indeed heartfelt treasure to be found...
I have since painted many split scenes, like the one above, upon Summit Stones, as I recall that wonderful experience, and how another simple cobblestone shared its' inner beauty with me while inspiring me in yet more ways... I so hope the 'Finder' who next made the journey to this forgotten and hardly ever visited high place enjoyed its' uniqueness too.....
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