Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Still And Quiet As A Stone..."

So still...
So very still I am.
Many tracks around right here.
And over there as well.
Listening to running water, there is a creek among these trees.
So still...
So very still I breathe.
To see that wild grey beauty.
A glimpse of such furred wonder.
So still...
So very still she is.
Approaching the cold waters.
Slowly, so slowly, so naturally cautiously.
I think I am not seen.
So quietly sitting here.
No movement at all, now holding my breath.
Then she slowly turns and looks.
Purposefully right towards me.
So still these movements become.
Watching each other...
I am pondering in awe and timelessness.
We seem to know one another.
To understand our calm intentions.
Such grace and beauty.
Such wild wonder...
I feel time now stand still.
In all of what we then share.
Now I remember to breathe once more.
As so gently and quietly she moves away.
Then looks back upon me.
With those brightly colored eyes.
So still, so still I am.
So forever grateful..... DSD

Dedicated to our shared Earth Day this unfolding season...

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