Sunday, April 07, 2013

"When I Gathered It Up..."

From the very moment I saw it, in those minutes right when I gathered it up, that stone had a wonderful story to tell...
It is truly a beautiful rock, one whose form gives you a sense of its' ancient history. No way would it have been right there in that wild place; no way would it have been as shaped and as polished so finely - unless its motions over the millenia, among all those boulders, from within a nearby glacier, had taken it on its' own timeless journey.
From the very moment I turned it over and over in my hand, I was beginning to envision what this stone's essence would express. You could sense from its' shape, from the lines upon and within it, from the small chips, even the tinier cracks, and especially from the smoothness over most of its' surface- what its' temperament, strength, and vigour was sharing.
Here, in my hand, was truly a spirit stone...
One whose character had endured all the elements had placed upon it.
A stone's spirit is an essential thing, one I try to look so closely for and understand. Some have travelled so very far. Many have such unique virtue in the way they have survived the forces over so long that have attempted to break them. We adventurer's can identify dearly with these meanings.
Right from the moment I gathered it up I felt I knew what this stone wanted to reveal. I sensed I knew where it wanted to be later placed. So right from where I found it as well, I gathered up small particles of every other element, to be 'mixed in' within the bright paints to be layered upon it...
Now, in your hand, you may have this very stone.
When I gathered it up I hoped you would find it. I hope too you sense the essence there, those wonderful intrinsic components that made it, the virtue reflecting where it has been, the meanings of the elements in the paints, and the symbolism hopefully it also represents from within your own adventures...
Like Ceremony Stones and Scholar Rocks , your Summit Stone has a spirit all of its' own, always calling to your longings..... DSD

My appreciation for sharing your spirited images here as well my Friends.


Barry said...

The variety of rock is always a source of wonder in the Western Canadian terrain we enjoy. We wander on land that was once the edge of a shallow sea before the up thrust. The waves on rock and evidence of life which no longer exists is a source of reflection and amazement. Excellent post, D. Always thought provoking. It is the pause to connect which calms the savage beast. It took me a long time to get a feel for it but now I realize the value of the time spent.

Unknown said...

So very true Barry! I have often thought about being on a summit which was once under the sea. The stones there have so many stories to share...