Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Sundial Upon A Mountain Summit..."

Being that is was our third day up so high, and that the elements of weather were now agreeable to our presence, we rested on that summit for very long moments. After the excitement and celebration of just getting up this pinnacle, and then the important steps for getting some sustenance and putting on a warmer top, we each settled back to just enjoy some time among the rock ringed by still white clouds.
A few made notes in their journals, others gazed across the sea of summits in all directions. Another built up the small cairn with a few more rocks, and one of our Outward Bound Instructors seemed to be laying out stones in a fashion I did not recognize...
A larger rock was laid flat, with its' smoothest surface facing up. Smaller shards were laid out on top of this, while certain pebbles became some kind of points of reference.
Intrigued we all were, as these Outward Bound Mentors were always doing and saying unique things in their quiet manner. We soon learned to sense that something meaningful was now unfolding...
What was being created in front of us was a simple sundial, yet the conversation that it sparked was profound...
The ponderings among our young musings then shared involved aspects of time. Like the mystery of passing time, that timing is everything, how we were having the time of our lives, and that only time will tell.
This too shall pass, was said, as was that time heals and helps, and perspectives that all we really have is time.
We talked of seasons, aging, our time out there, about time with others, time for ourselves, even that time seems to stand still sometimes. and the poignancy of the passage of such time...
I hope those small arranged rocks are there still.
This was so many years ago.
Maybe they will be reminding other wanderers who adventure to that summit, that because of some mysterious reason, someone took the time to create that special sundial up there.
In those moments it could be timely for them to then enjoy pondering the wonder of it all..... DSD

Thank you for these unique reminders and timely images my Friends.

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