Friday, April 11, 2014

"Even So....."

Very dark clouds there were.
Even colder winds.
Elements of weather seemingly to conspire.
In distracting me from my intentions.
Even so, today I decided to go a little farther...
Questionable conditions over such terrain.
Doubts of fitness too, as I feel not quite as prepared.
The angle and slope increases greatly as well.
Still, even so, this day I promised myself to go a bit higher...
Being out solo, can hold so many challenges.
Certain risks are even more apparent.
Personal responsibility becomes very important.
Yet, even so, amidst all of this I then adventured somewhat further...
That balance of risk and reward, adversities and unknowns.
Reaffirming our focus on choice, motivations, and commitment.
A long day it was back then, a much harder summit to attain.
Though, as we each realize, from what we discover within.
Many times on the very journey itself, over such paths.
This all makes the forever moments and memories, even so much more personal and precious..... DSD

Dedicated this adventure day to all those who keep on their paths when Adventuring For Another Reason.


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