Saturday, July 09, 2016

"Sharing Ridgelines..."

The elements placed this mountain and its' knife like ridgelines, and even sharper summit, just so out there...
Right above Lake O'Hara. It is in the center of everything, holding one of three amazing alpine routes across its face, surrounded and embraced by the majesty of some of the most amazing peaks among these ranges. 
Then there are the seemingly countless alpine lakes and hidden tarns that rest all around this summit and the many valleys too.
Mt. Yukness. Whose formal title actually means 'sharpened with a knife', is a cherished favourite among favourites in this backyard we call our Northern Rockies.
That mountain and I have shared many an adventure day, and its giving of these special experiences has inspired me to return the gesture when returning on my wanderings up there.
The one experience I enjoy the most, is to be the first one up on this summit, with as early an alpine start as I can make. This allows for time with my old rocky friend on my own, then to enjoy a much slower descent while waiting...
Waiting for the next scramblers on their own ascent. To meet with them on this path. To pass forward some smiles and greetings. Then just before continuing on, I so enjoy saying, "Oh, by the way, here is something for you on your adventure today. Open them at the summit".
Placing Summit Stones in summit cairns is a special experience.
Once in a while, placing them hands of fellow adventurers, on their way up, is a truly unique passing forward moment..... DSD 

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